Prevention Education
Prevention Education can reach as many as 6 classrooms per day. Curricula are Evidence Based and chosen based off from need and likelihood of engaging the students.
Contracting with a Prevention Specialists provides life skills and special topic sessions, as well as a mental health first aiders for everyone in the building.
We can be creative in how to connect with every student. Cooking, climbing, art. We create space for all.
Resiliency Coaches
These counselors can carry a 1:1 caseload and lead small group sessions without billing or diagnostic requirements. They collaborate with other providers or supports in the school and community, even help facilitate referrals.
Erin’s Law & Safe Harbour
Educational programming and resources to educate on human trafficking and simultaneously cover digital health.
Motivational Interviewing sessions to help teens reflect on poor behavior (vaping, alcohol, attendance, etc). Best utilized in addition to suspension (OSS or ISS).
Teen Intervene
Digital Health movie available for show and discussion.
First Day Film
Famed basketball player explores his journey with addiction. Facilitated discussions and follow up student groups and resources available.
Signs of Suicide (SOS)
One class period presentation to discuss with students how to handle depression and friends showing signs of depression.
Start a conversation TODAY!
No referral needed
No diagnosis
No shame
No wrong door